windows 7 - How to convert JPEG JFIF files to JPEG Exif format? - Super User 看到喜歡的人,心裡會燃起愛情之火,希望破滅,火焰熄滅...這就是這段視頻的主題 一個男生獨居,可他的心靈並不甘寂寞,於是就開始煎熬 有一天,他遇到了似乎合適的女生,卻羞於表達 這愛情之火能燃燒多久呢? 點擊觀看 視頻作者:Ashley AndFrom the Compatibility section of the Wikipedia article JPEG File Interchange Format: The newer Exchangeable image file format (Exif) is comparable to JFIF, but the two standards are mutually incompatible. This is because both standards specify that their...