jQuery Validation Plugin | Form validation with jQuery 「迪士尼卡通對全世界的影響相當無遠弗屆」想必是一句不會有人反駁的事實陳述,多虧了這些卡通,尤其是改編自民間童話的公主系列,讓我們知道原來正妹的頭髮都不會亂(誤)。 當然歷史上除了永遠只會傻笑唱歌跟人走的公主之外,還有很多,只是她們可能不夠甜美而被拒於迪士尼門外。日前插畫家Jason Porath就If you use this plugin, you should support the ongoing development by donating to the pledgie.org campagin. The plugin is written and maintained by Jörn Zaefferer, a member of the jQuery team, lead developer on the jQuery UI team and maintainer of QUnit. ...