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City Theatre Company從爭論激烈的《VOGUE》封面,再到坐在 GIVENCHY 秀場頭排的小西北,沒有人可以否認,整個2014 年裡金卡達夏和Kanye West 這對話題夫妻在時尚圈裡的攻城略地。現在,他們正在繼續享受勝利,Olivier Rousteing 邀請這對夫妻加入BALMAIN 大軍,共同出演品牌2015Press Release: The Pajama Men For Immediate Release CITY THEATRE PRESENTS THE PAJAMA MEN An award-winning duo whose unique style of sketch comedy...MORE > Press Release: 2014 Young Playwrights Contest Winners For Immediate Release: CITY THEATRE ANNOUNCES ...


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Teachers College 連載15年的日本漫畫「火影忍者」,今年11月10日漫畫連載宣告結束了,但火影熱潮完全沒有退燒。真人版舞台劇「Live Spectacle 火影忍者」預計將進行亞洲巡演,繼上次公布了主視覺海報後,又釋出了 4 位主角漩渦鳴人及宇智波佐助、春野櫻、我愛羅的照片,演出這 4 位主角的演員,年齡都沒超過 Uncategorized TC Blog sites Jan 21, 2010 | No Comments The blog sites managed by the Office of the Web at Teachers College is intended for use by school departments, programs and centers that require specific web site set ups. Please contact the office of...


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