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Powershell, VB Script, SQL and JavaScript - TechNet IT Pro's and Scripting Guys來自馬爾他的巧克力大師Andrew Farrugia創作的這個可食用的火車模型破了新的吉尼斯世界紀錄:世界最長的巧克力建築物,全長34米並且包含經典蒸汽火車的所有細節。噗噗~動次打次~動次打次... 在比利時首都布魯塞爾“巧克力週”上一亮相,立馬讓所有人垂涎欲滴。這輛&ldqThese PowerShell scripts will automate downloading and installing the SharePoint 2013 Prerequisites on Windows Server 2012. The scripts will assist those who need to install SharePoint 2013 'offline' or wish to manually install its Prerequisites on Window...


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