Javascript Tutorial - Split - Tizag Tutorials 圖片截自youtube下同 Youtube頻道「To Catch a Cheater」(抓偷吃的人) 專門幫助提出申請的女生或者男生測試另外一半的忠誠度, 這次申請幫忙的這對夫妻已經結婚5年了! 而團隊也按照往例派出一位超正辣妹前去搭訕 辣妹直接坐了下來並且開始發動攻勢 不停的找話題跟先生聊天 聊Split Function: Delimiter The space character " " we mentioned will be our delimiter and it is used by the split function as a way of breaking up the string. Every time it sees the delimiter we specified, it will create a new element in an array. The firs...