apache - how to change the default encoding to UTF-8 for server - Stack Overflow男人最喜歡9種女人 每個女人都有享受愛情的權利,也許男人目光更容易停駐在外形姣好的美女身上,但真要娶回家,他們可就要三思而後行,綜合各種因素考慮之後才下決定。不是美女照樣贏桃花,這9種是男人們最喜愛的女人。不管你是不是美女,只要屬於她們之中,就一定能擁有異性好人緣兒。 1、I am using a hosting company and it will list the files in a directory if the file index.html is not there. However, it will use iso-8859-1 as the default encoding. If the server is Apache, is there a way to change it to use UTF-8 as the default instead? ...