how to print values on jsp page fetched from servlet (JSP forum at JavaRanch) ▲可愛的周子瑜。(source:ptt,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 說到周子瑜,台灣的民眾紛紛都會引以為傲,直呼她是我們台灣的榮耀!尤其最近周子瑜所屬的女子韓團TWICE,最近因出了新專輯《SIGNAL》,人氣更是直線升高,也因此團員們更是加倍努力,不但親自幫忙宣傳,還願意去不同國Bad practice! Scriptletes in a JSP has been discredited for 10 years! A whole decade! Do you not think it's time to catch up? :rolleyes: Use the EL and JSTL, not Java scriptlets. For example: Piyush Mangal Ranch ......