
Nissan JUKE-R video 1 - YouTube 上廁所,本來是釋放一下,很愉快的事情。但是如果廁所(或便池)太古怪,就會有壓力了!   比如,這種很簡陋老舊的廁所,對很多人都是難以接受的   中國湖南某景區的廁所,半透明,據說是為了觀賞壯麗的自然景色   這種廁所是單向鏡,只能從裡面看到外面。不過真要上,還是考驗心As you know at Nissan, we love doing unexpected things. What's more innovative and exciting than a combination of the Nissan Juke and the Nissan GT-R? This what the Juke-R is all about: the ultimate compact crossover. Discover the first exclusive video of...


Nissan Juke-R First Drive – Review – Car and Driver 據BuzzFeed報導:美國一個18歲女孩約翰娜·海因斯和她的男朋友,20歲的達蒙·理查茲幹出了怪異的事情   上週末,他們在閒逛,當時約翰娜洗澡之後,打算化妝,而男友就用他的,呃...蛋蛋,來逗她發笑   “他總是跟我惡搞,還把蛋放在我Question: When is a Nissan GT-R not a Nissan GT-R? Answer: When it’s a fat-fendered piece of lunacy with the face of a Nissan Juke. In other words, when it’s a Nissan Juke-R. There are currently two Juke-Rs in existence: one is left-hand drive, the other ...


Nissan Juke-R 2.0: 600-hp GT-R NISMO Engine, 17 May Be Built – News – Car and Driver | Car and Drive 一向只在Ig上分享火箭照的特斯拉創始人埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk) ,破天荒分享了一張他與美國女演員艾梅柏·希爾德(Amber Heard)的合影,並附文:“和Amber在黃金海岸共度愜意時光。”     照片中艾梅柏的The Nissan Juke-R is the ultimate, factory-operated automotive Frankenstein project of our time. For anyone who may have forgotten, the Juke-R is a unlikely and utterly unholy marriage of the funkomatic Juke crossover and the hair-on-fire GT-R supercar; w...


Nissan Juke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 話說,很多人都有過出差住酒店的經歷,去到一個陌生地方,每天沒什麼消遣,除了工作,每天基本就是躲酒店裡無所事事...   然而,最近阿塞拜疆一個網友,因為出差住酒店做了一件可愛的事,突然就火了起來...   這個網友,當時因為在酒店裡太無聊,突然想着和酒店裡每天負責打掃他房間的清The Juke-R is a limited production run Juke with a Nissan GT-R's VR engine [22] that boasts 545 hp (406 kW). Nissan has recently [when?] announced a total of 23 Juke-Rs will be produced with the 2013 GT-R's running gear and performance stats. [citation ne...


Nissan Juke R beats Bugatti Veyron and Ferrari 599 GTO - YouTube   (一)   一位年輕男子,在風景區遇見一位漂亮有氣質的美女,就一直跟在她後面走了很長的一段路,最後這位女郎忍不住轉身問他說:“你為什麼一直老跟著我?   他很誠懇的對她表白說:”因為你是我所見過最美麗最有氣質的女人,請你答應我,當我的女朋友Заказ билетов: http://www.kassir.ru/msk/db/text/9209... Генеральный партнер: SMP Racing (http://smpracing.ru) Официальный партнер: Промсбербанк (http://www.promsberbank.ru) Присоединяйтесь к нам (Follow us): Facebook: http://www.facebook.com ......


545-Horsepower Nissan Juke-R Entering Production: Official照片裡這個老人叫Denver Beddows,今年95歲,來自英國。     這個老人,在今年2月,用錘子和平底鍋猛擊自己妻子Denver Olive的頭部,試圖殺死這個和他相伴了幾十年的妻子。   這件事當時震驚了英國社會,然而,接下來隨著事情的調查,真相卻讓人沉默.Nissan has announced that its insane Juke-R super-crossover will be built, but in a very limited run and on a build-to-order basis. The production version will stay true to the original concept, complete with a twin-turbocharged V-6 engine sourced from a ...
