你可以去找小三 我不會管你. 只要你知道你可以在她身上賣力 我也可以在別人身下喘息而已!!!
Julia 你可以去找小三我不會管你 只要你每個月工資如數奉上而已你可以去找小三我不會管你 只要你定期檢查身體確保她沒有染病給你 你可以去找小三我不會管你 只要你記得你是孩子的父親盡你應盡的責任而已 你可以去找小三我不會管你 只要你了解我不會在家笨蛋When Patrick was a baby I was convinced that he found my presence comforting and so I kept him stapled to my body. This constant proximity (coupled with our respective temperments) resulted in neither of us sleeping, ever, and eventually we both went Tim-...