一泡鳥糞可能毀掉你的車!一招除糞且不傷車 讓你遠離煩惱!
JUMP: The Philly Music Project | It's happening in Philly. For real. 現在開車上路,我們當心的不僅有路怒還有“糞怒”。遠遠看著玻璃上幾滴,還以為是誰甩的顏料,走進一看車頂上全是鳥糞。 鳥糞是很多車主都比較頭疼的東西。雖說這是“天意”,但這種事情總還是有跡可循的。今天我們就來說說如何防範鳥糞的空襲。 鳥糞對車的傷害 鳥糞As part of our partnership with Philly Beer Scene magazine, we’re documenting Philly’s relationships between music and beer. For the most recent issue of Philly Beer Scene, G.W. Miller III caught up with Josh and Jessica Craft, the beer-loving team behind...