Amazon.com: Just Dance 2 - Nintendo Wii: Video Games 點擊題目下方 背包旅行 , 訂閱中國頂尖旅行雜誌 「 我拿過很多冠軍,但所有的榮譽都比不過我終於娶到我喜歡了21年的女孩。」 ——梅西 今年夏天,30歲的梅西終於結婚了。 而新娘,毫無意外,Just Dance has got America dancing. The No.1 Best Selling Music/Rhythm Game on the Nintendo Wii system is back to keep the party going with an all-star tracklist, the hottest dance moves of today and a brand new beat for everyone to enjoy. So crank up the...