Just Mobile Lazy Couch Stand for iPad and MacBook Pro - Apple Store (U.S.) 照片里的這隻狗狗叫Barlow,是一個普通的大黑狗。 幾年前,Barlow還是一條流浪狗,後來它被人救了後,安置在動物救助中心。 雖然不再流離失所,但是這一切依然沒有改變,它依然是一隻孤獨的,沒有人愛護的狗狗... 直到一家人的出現,這一切才Just Mobile's Lazy Couch stand raises your iPad or MacBook Pro to a level that's even more conducive to comfortable viewing and typing. The extra height also facilitates cooler and quieter operation thanks to improved air circulation. Lazy Couch stand is ...