【KRUZIN 跨國聯名設計】 「WEAR ART」! 穿著走的藝術,帶你闖遍街頭
Justin.tv - Official Site 充滿獨特創新態度的鞋履品牌KRUZIN,繼數月前推出了充滿性話題性的 "5位冒險狂人,100件瘋狂事蹟" 企劃後,今年秋冬又帶來另一大焦點主題 --《Don't walk, WEAR ART!》 從品牌的核心概念Don't walk, Stand延伸而來,《Don't walk, WEAR ARTFAQ Why is Justin.tv being shut down? Justin.tv pioneered live video on the Internet and spawned one of the largest video platforms ever: Twitch. Justin.tv was officially renamed Twitch Interactive Inc. in February of 2014 and Twitch is now the focus of t...