Believe (Justin Bieber album) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:賴瞳妍 掌控神器的四大帝國曾經輝煌一時, 卻也隨著神器的失落而邁向分崩離析的命運。 大陸回到黑暗的蠻荒時代, 零落的部族組織取代了龐大的帝國, 人們也逐漸淡忘了神器所代表的意義, Believe is the third studio album by Canadian recording artist Justin Bieber, released on June 15, 2012, by Island Records. Looking to transition from the teen pop styles of his two-piece debut effort My World (2009) and My World 2.0 (2010), Bieber opted ...