Pentax K-50 Review: First Shots - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews - The Imaging Resource (圖文皆轉自笑彈俱樂部)一個傻逼紋身紋了個唐僧,結果第一天丟錢,第二天撞車,第三天讓單位開除了。於是他上山找高僧給算了算,高僧算完說,你回去等著吧!傻逼說,操泥馬的,你到是給老子破破啊!高僧說:破你麻痺,你紋啥不行,紋唐僧,他九九八十一難,你這才三難!回家等著去吧世界上不得不承認的七個Looking for a fully-featured DSLR that takes great photos yet doesn't break the bank? Check out our Pentax K-50 review! ... While the 120 color combinations make the K-50 seem more like a consumer or lifestyle camera, the DSLR's features and overall build...