Bike Handlebar & Stem Computer Mounts - K-EDGE你的身體正在生長 我最近感覺自己變得好奇怪,好多地方都和前段時間不太一樣了,嗓子變啞了不說,身高體重也好像變了很多,去年買的衣服,今年再拿出來,竟然穿不下了,而且更讓我感到手足無措的是,我下面的「小弟弟」好像變大變粗了,這是怎麼回事?我是不是生病了?我不敢和爸爸媽媽說這些事情,也不敢和同學討論,我該... SRM, and more to come. We take zero short cuts in our design, testing, and production at K-EDGE. Our goal is not to make it less expensive it is simply to make it the best. This is showcased in our new Garmin Time-Trial mount with its first of its kin...