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Dicker Max tank destroyer 10.5 cm K18 auf Panzer Selbstfahrlafette IVa | World War Photos 影片來源:http://bit.ly/3211Kgp 維娜斯讓男人2019勇於挑戰:http://bit.ly/2Vu6No8 看得不夠,還想再讀-- 【上班塑身】OL上班的好夥伴-維娜斯推推指塑身衣! 〔塑身衣推薦〕不悶熱就是穿得住,維娜斯塑身衣雕塑我的好身材! 【塑10.5 cm K gepanzerte Selbstfahrlafette "Dicker Max" was a prototype self propelled gun used by Nazi Germany during World War II. Gun: 10.5 cm schwere Kanone 18. ... Dicker Max and crew of the Schwere Panzerjager Abteilung 521 Dicker Max of the Schwere ......