kal el spaceship

Kal-El - Smallville Wiki 公路上不要玩疊羅漢拉!!!This article is about Clark Kent's Kryptonian persona. For Clark's persona under red kryptonite... ... Jor-El: Fear not, Kal-El... I am Jor-El, your father... I am his memory, his will. I am to fulfill his promise and guide you all the days of your life....


Kal-El's ship - Smallville Wiki   今天不用上班,很爽喔!Kal-El's ship was the Kryptonian spacecraft that brought young Kal-El from Krypton to Earth. It... ... Kal-El's ship and the cocoon containing Doomsday. Meanwhile, the genetic matter of Zod and Faora's "son" landed along with the ship in the form of a bur...


The religion of Superman (Clark Kent / Kal-El) 開工啦!The religious affiliation (religion) of Clark Kent, a.k.a., Superman, the archetypal costumed superhero. He was raised as a Protestant. ... Maggin also said that Superman adheres to "a Kryptonian-based belief system centered on monotheistic philosophy." T...


Kal-El (Man of Steel) - DC Comics Database   這>///Superman is Earth's premiere superhero and the stalwart protector of Metropolis. Born Kal-El on... ... History Edit Superman is Earth's premiere superhero and the stalwart protector of Metropolis. Born Kal-El on the distant planet Krypton, he was sent to ...


Jor-El - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia再來一杯拉~~Terence Stamp voiced the disembodied spirit of Jor-El in 23 episodes from Season 2 to Season 10. Jor-El first appears to Clark as a voice emanating from the spaceship that brought Clark to Earth, informing him that it is time to leave Smallville and fulfi...


Kal-El (Earth-1) - DC Comics Database     再度被惡整的裘莉!!  Superman is Earth's first and premiere superhero, and its stalwart protector. Born Kal-El on the... ... History Superman is Earth's first and premiere superhero, and its stalwart protector. Born Kal-El on the distant planet Krypton, he was sent to Earth a...
