Fjallraven Classic Kanken Backpack Bag - Warm Yellow婆婆和媽媽的差別~蠻有趣ㄝ!(01) 頂媽媽的嘴,媽媽一下子就忘了;頂婆婆的嘴,一輩子牢記在心 。 (02) 媽媽切水果給妳吃,順其自然;妳切水果給婆婆吃,理所當然! (03) 肚子餓了,媽媽煮三餐給妳吃,很自然;婆婆煮三餐給妳吃,很不孝! (04) 吃飯時間,忘了叫媽Straight backs are happy backs! The Kanken Classic is our most popular model, available in a fantastic range of 29 colours, with even more additions to the range coming in future. Surprisingly spacious, the Classic Kanken is a great size for day-to-day we...