How to activate Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 by a key file?請於最短時間作答!!小明是一位南部人但是在中部上班每天都得往返兩地。一日,小明從南部北上以時速90公里行駛了5公里後轉東西向快速道路再以時速110公里往西走了10公里後這時才想到它的公文放在後車座問題來了~此時如果要回去拿公文以100的時速需要花多久時間??????真的想不到再看答案喔!大約3秒吧!In some cases in order to activate Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 you will need to perform it using a key file, received from Kaspersky Lab Technical Support. In order to activate the application by a key file, perform the following actions: Open the em...