Kate Upton - Celebrity News, Celebrity Gossip and Pictures from UsMagazine. 經過精采的跨年時刻,2015 年正式揭開序幕,新的一年開始如果有一幅新月曆,日子會過的較有計劃性 ; 許多人會在一年之始添購喜歡的月曆,而畢竟是要看一整年的,畫面自然要選看的順眼的才行,如果是既「養眼」又能做公益的月曆,那是不是特別有意義? 一群來自英國利物浦大學橄欖球隊的Kate Upton on Us Weekly, your trusted source for the latest celebrity pictures, news, biography, & videos. Kate Upton Was Mad at Terry Richardson for... ... Kate Upton Was Mad at Terry Richardson for Releasing Her Career-Launching "Cat Daddy" Video ......