你要是喜歡別人我會哭 但是還是喜歡你。
Did Katie Cassidy Kick Off a New Season of Arrow with Plastic Surgery? : Makemeheal.com Celebrity Pl 你要是喜歡別人我會哭、但是還是喜歡你。我現在已經養成了一種習慣,就是每三二天要找你說幾句不想對別人說的話。當然還有更多的話沒有說出口來,但是只要我把它帶到了你面前,我走開的時候自己就滿意了,這些念頭就不會做再折磨我了。我現在不壞了,我有了良心。我的良心就是你。我的靈魂裡有很多地方玩世不恭,對人傲慢Arrow star Katie Cassidy has a Hollywood pedigree as the daughter of 70s star David Cassidy and Sherry Williams. Fans of the superhero are wondering if her roots in the entertainment industry mean that she is already turning to plastic surgery, as her cha...