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mechanical_keyboard_overviews - MechanicalKeyboards誰會在這種地方停車...= = World's Largest Keyboard Community Pok3r Wiki World's Most Comprehensive Keyboard Wiki Please Check the Wiki AND SEARCH Before SelfPosting The goal of this subreddit is to provide daily links to interesting mechanical keyboard content in a friendly ......


Chirbit - Official Site人家就忍不住噴哭嘛!! T^T Share audio on Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr. Embed your audio or voice anywhere online. Upload mp3, wav, aiff or any other format via web or smartphone. ... Chirbit Features: Upload 120MB of audio per file. That's 2 hours of mp3 audio! Embed your audio .....


微信,是一個生活方式你見過用英文寫的洋春聯嗎? 網友在微博上發了一副『洋春聯』的圖片, 不僅全用英文書寫,而且對仗工整(如圖)。 這副春聯上下聯各有9個英文單詞、4個詞組,按中國春聯的格式豎排。 上聯是『Eat Well Sleep Well Have Fun Day by Day』 (意思是『吃得不錯、睡得不錯、天天一款跨平台的通訊工具。支持單人、多人參與。通過手機網路發送語音、圖片、視頻和文字。 ... 微信,是一個生活方式 超過三億人使用的手機應用 支持發送語音簡訊、視頻、圖片和文字 可以群聊,僅耗少量流量,適合大部分智能手機...
