Avril Lavigne - Keep Holding On lyrics | LyricsMode.com 原本充滿膠原蛋白的臉蛋忽然粗糙,本來大大的眼睛忽然變小,尖尖的下巴多了塊肉。這究竟是為什麼?原來是...... (左圖為使用美顏APP,右圖為回到現實面...) 「關掉美顏,關掉濾鏡,關掉瘦臉,這種被打回現實的感覺真的好殘忍。」不止對這些回到現實的小姐姐殘忍,對我們這些1 explanation, 5 meanings to Keep Holding On lyrics by Avril Lavigne: You're not alone / Together we stand / I'll be by your side / You ... It's a song to say that you help your friends and they will help you no matter the problem. It is about how friends...