keep up the good work意思

As Robots Grow Smarter, American Workers Struggle to Keep Up - The New York Times難怪現在的不婚族愈來愈多. .. Concern about technology — the printing press, the steam engine or the computer — supplanting humans is not new. But this time may be different. ... Yet there is deep uncertainty about how the pattern will play out now, as two trends are interacting. Arti...


The Laborers Who Keep Dick Pics and Beheadings Out of Your Facebook Feed | WIRED哈哈... Inside the soul-crushing world of content moderation, where low-wage laborers soak up the worst of humanity, and keep it off your Facebook feed. ... I was given a look at the Whisper moderation process because Michael Heyward, Whisper’s CEO, sees moderati...


How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive: A Manual of Step-by-Step Procedures for the Compleat Idiot: John 毛色好像唷~~~!!!! John Muir, mechanic, author, and the publisher, wrote the original How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive in 1969. He died in 1977. NO_CONTENT_IN_FEATURE Tell the Publisher! I'd like to read this book on Kindle Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here , or do...
