人可以做愛到幾歲? 永遠都能盡情享受性愛│ 晨星出版
Explore KEF - iQ1, iQ2c, iQ3, iQ5, iQ5SE, iQ6c, iQ7, iQ7SE, iQ8ds, iQ9 - KEF United Kingdom 人可以做愛到幾歲? 對這個問題,我的答案是「做愛沒有年齡的限制!」 只要還有想做愛的心情,沒有說到幾歲就不能做愛了。性愛乃自我本能的展現,跟活著一樣自然。所以,不管到了幾歲,依然能對性愛保持熱度是一件很棒的事。不是嗎? 常有人認為性愛不是「非做不可的事」—如果你被這種觀念綁架了,會誤解2006 saw the release of the new iQ Series, the latest incarnation of a range that had its origins in the late 1980s with introduction of Uni-Q technology. New developments for this series included cabinets with a continuously curved back section, updated ...