承德好車公益嘉年華 賽車女神安小蕎現身推薦
Explore KEF - iQ1, iQ2c, iQ3, iQ5, iQ5SE, iQ6c, iQ7, iQ7SE, iQ8ds, iQ9 - KEF United Kingdom每年由台北市承德汽車商圈發展促進會主辦的「生活駕乘新經典-承德好車公益嘉年華」於10月正式展開,堪稱二手車界週年慶,今年特別邀請擁有超過36萬粉絲的賽車人氣女神,同時也是及2016O.T.G.P 全國菁英盃大獎賽冠軍的安小蕎現身推薦,近年來在消費族群及環境變化下,女性自主購車的比例越來越高,而商圈內2006 saw the release of the new iQ Series, the latest incarnation of a range that had its origins in the late 1980s with introduction of Uni-Q technology. New developments for this series included cabinets with a continuously curved back section, updated ...