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KEF LS-50 Bookshelf Speaker Review | A Unique Audiophile Experience 樂手們在舞台上激情的演奏時,澎湃的內心情緒會表露無遺的顯現在臉上,但如果今天是把他們手中的樂器,改變成恐怖的怪物時,他們還會繼續如此的激情嗎?國外就有人利用Photoshop的合成技術,將幾位知名的吉他手藝人手中的吉他變成了巨大的蛞蝓(鼻涕蟲),意外的是經過合成後搭配他們當時正在演奏時的表情,完全The KEF LS-50 is fast becoming one of the most talked about speakers around, and I suppose it’s time for a reviewer at Dagogo to talk about them. Residing in Hong Kong I live in an apartment that is well suited to the KEF LS-50. Well suited means small if...


A Sub Woofer for KEF LS 50's | Steve Hoffman Music Forums有句話說得好,“胸小不是罪過,不想變大才是錯誤”。 前兩天微博上的平胸大賽鬧的是熱火朝天的,男友開玩笑跟我說,要是半年前我去參加了,論平胸,以前我真的是“ 板上釘釘 ”,那些個菇涼沒一個能是我對手,我不拿冠軍至少也是前三甲啊!我經常I would like to know if KEF LS 50 owners are using a sub woofer in their setups and if so, what brand/model are you using and at what crossover frequency ?...


Used kef ls50 Speakers for Sale | Hifi Shark, Second Hand Hifi Insight   盡管是“火”影忍者。但是那些出色的水遁忍術也是毫不遜色的哦。今天就一起來盤點一下那些帥氣的水遁忍術吧!   10.水遁·水槍炮(秘術)     使用者:二代目水影 難度等級:A 威力等級:★★★   鬼燈一Product Site Price Listed Buy Kef ls50 2ememain 800 EUR 2016-01-29 Show Kef ls50 Blocket 12990 SEK 2015-11-13 Show KEF LS 50 Finn 7500 NOK 2016-01-13 Show Kef LS50 Finn 7000 NOK 2016-01-13 Show KEF LS50 Head-fi 950 USD 2016-02-15 Show...


Flagship Hi-Fi Speakers - LS50 - Overview - KEF United States 娛樂圈明星撞衫是常事。生活在一個人口70億的星球,連撞臉都不稀奇了。如今不僅是明星之間撞臉,他們還跨國跟普通人撞臉呢。快來看看這些跟俄羅斯普通民眾撞臉的歐美大腕吧。          第一名:李奧納多•迪卡普Creating a small housing capable of delivering such a spacious sound is the result of considerable research and development. In cabinet construction, baffle shaping and port design, LS50 breaks new ground with patent-pending technology. All this is made p...


Flagship Hi-Fi Speakers - LS50 - Awards and Reviews - LS50 - KEF United Kingdom 胡歌演的電視劇,大多有個悲催的結局! 《神話》裡他是易小川,最後玉漱死在了天宮前。 《仙劍奇俠傳1》裡他是逍遙哥哥,結果靈兒死了。 到了《仙劍3》,好不容易有個像樣的女朋友,卻發現在一起的生命所剩不多。 《天外飛仙》裡他是董永,結果七公主走了,他自己養孩子 《軒轅劍之天之痕》裡他是宇文拓,結果寧珂“The LS50 is nothing short of a masterpiece of a minimonitor, priced so that anyone serious about audio can buy a pair -- and probably should, if only to know how great a small speaker can be. Time hasn’t been as much on my side as it’s been on KEF’s -- t...


KEF R300 vs LS50 | What Hi-Fi? 運動賽事場邊的風光,常常是媒體注意的焦點,因為這些插曲可能比場內比賽更加吸睛,如 4 年前的南非世界盃上,巴拉圭一名叫作里克爾梅的女生,就憑藉胸部夾著手機全球走紅。這次中國成都市上周日 ( 11 月 30 日) 舉行中國男子籃球職業聯賽 ( CBA ),一名熱烈為球員加油的女球迷也不惶多The LS-50s are certainly an improvement over the R100s and have a different timbre, and a warmer sound. But when you go up to the R300s that all changes. The Uni-Q midrange and Kef's new bass drive unit make all the difference. The R300s jerk out the bass...
