kef ls 50 made in china

KEF LS50 - Flagship Hi-Fi Speakers - Hong Kong & Macau 集合各路超級英雄的「復仇者聯盟」,網路上也掀起一陣復仇者聯盟風潮,還有人乾脆將美國隊長、鋼鐵人、綠巨人浩克、雷神索爾、鷹眼大合體,雖然沒看到黑寡婦的身影,但還是不得不佩服作者的創意。Rarely the case in such a compact design, the LS50 monitor delivers a rich, multi-dimensional 'soundstage experience' that is out of all proportion to its size. Patent-pending acoustic designs, together with state-of-the-art technologies from KEF's lates...


懷舊復刻 流露新意-試聽Audio Space LS 3/5A - U-Audio 試聽報告 德國一家廣告公司,出了一本讓人意想不到的日曆,其內容由X光片高精度成像的性感裸體模特圖像集組成。 奇特的圖像顯示了女模在X射線下表現各種性感姿態。 對於Audio Space而言,他們所設計的LS 3/5A是盡可能能接近原設計。譬如他們所使用的單體雖是Audio Space自行設計製作,使用的材料不盡然和KEF一模一樣,但性質非常接近。此外在關鍵的分音器部份,Audio Space也試著從各種不同版本的LS 3/5A當中同中求 ......


Flagship Hi-Fi Speakers - LS50 - Overview - KEF International 在世界各大城市地鐵裡上演搞笑情景,許多人在寒冷的冬天,“不約而同”的只穿著短褲乘坐地鐵,並且在旁人的驚詫眼光中若無其事的看著報紙雜誌。看客們不用大驚小怪,這不過是在全球各大城市裡舉行的第11屆“無褲日”活動。    &nCreating a small housing capable of delivering such a spacious sound is the result of considerable research and development. In cabinet construction, baffle shaping and port design, LS50 breaks new ground with patent-pending technology. All this is made p...


KEF LS50 Anniversary Model loudspeaker | Stereophile.com也許是為了一種紀念,也許是為了表達一種精神,綠帽子雖然在和平年代失去了防禦和隱蔽的功能,但越南男人依然鍾情於它,讓它成為永恆的標誌和永不過時的時尚沿襲下來。 當年胡志明主席南征北戰鬧革命,戴的就是這種硬殼帽。因此越南人喜歡戴綠帽子也是為了紀念偉大的胡伯伯。 與中國的民間習俗不同,越南男人喜歡戴綠色帽The reason you can't find a pair Audio Asylum is because KEF in their wisdom decided to insult all of their loyal dealers by offering this product ONLINE ONLY! I am a Canadian Dealer(soon to be ex-dealer now) for KEF. We had a clent want to hear a pair of...

全文閱讀 KEF LS50 Mini Monitor - High Gloss Piano Black (Pair): Electronics 對了,過去的我你到底在幹嘛!!?An innovative concept inspired by the legendary LS3/5a, the KEF LS50 mini monitor is designed to bring a professional studio monitor into the home. Product Information Color: Gloss Piano Black Technical Details Brand Name KEF Item Weight ......


One of these reviews is not like the other- Technics "KEF LS50s" | Steve Hoffman Music Forums 這是八神跟大門之間的對話, 我早說了這小子有問題,宿敵這個說法只是假的,原來他想的只是...   纏了18年...該放手了吧= =   Such a difference of opinion. What gives? ... The KEF LS-50 is designed by the American arm of KEF apparently and built 100% in China. Not defending What Hi-Fi (I much ...
