Kef LS50 VS Kef R100 | What Hi-Fi? ▲瞎爆戰鬥民族居然用「建築材料」泡澡(source:鏡頭詮釋世界) 哈囉大家好~我是fufu編!今天要和大家介紹的是俄羅斯的一名建築工人,居然突發奇想要用水泥泡澡!? 根據鏡頭詮釋世界的分享,俄羅斯男子在裝修到一半時突然想體驗看看,如果泡在水泥裡面會是什麼感受,於是他居然真的去實行了have not heard the amp but i compared the LS50 against the R100, R300 and Ref 201/2 I thought the LS50 were more engaging and detailed then the R's but less bright then the Ref May I ask what system you heard with the 201/2s? Thx Cno was in the Kef ......