KEF R300 vs LS50 | What Hi-Fi? 生在哪裡不重要, 活成什麼樣, 才最重要。 莫扎王妃 人均GDP排世界第一, 並且擁有世界上最富裕的王室, 中東國家卡塔爾雖小, 但在經濟發展上卻突飛猛進, 除了本身豐富的石油和天然氣資源, 這些其實都離不開一個女人的功勞, 那就I have a pair of KEF R300 at home for testing and i have to say i am very impressed even with my modest Cyrus 6XP amplifier. Since the LS50 is not yet available for testing i was wondering what the major differences are between the LS50 and the R300. The ...