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No Reserve: 1961 Corvair Greenbrier Camper Van | Bring a Trailer近日有一名21年都跟「左右護法」一起生活的害羞單身小魯即將迎來寒假,他想在這個假期內,完成從男生到男人的蛻變,於是上網問掛,第一次該獻給吃魚喝茶嗎?隨後成功釣出批踢踢實業坊西斯版大神GTOKevin小商人回文,我們一起來看一下:大家好,我只是個小商人。看到有板友熱烈的討論喝茶,我就想做個夢。----@ Mike-7, no, it’s the horn button that got turned around ;-) Looking at the other pic that shows the steering wheel in that position (first column, 8th row), you can see that the left tire is turning in slightly to the right. These things had 5 turns loc...


Husker Extra : Latest Husker News - Lincoln, NE News, Sports : Journal Star   現今對於美的標準似乎差不多,不外乎濃眉大眼、瓜子臉和高挺鼻樑、櫻桃小嘴,而如果生的和這套「既定標準」不同的話,也不用太難過,因現在的整形技術和普遍性,只要你夠勇敢、口袋又不淺,絕對能將平凡人變為偶像等級。   雖然有經過整形手術的人不少,但願意承認的卻不多,大家都想讓別人以How does that Husker brand play? By Brian Christopherson | Lincoln Journal Star The Husker brand may not be at its peak popularity, but Nebraska's new coordinators say they have still felt a strong reception outside the state's borders. July ......


Sorry Deadspin, I’ll (Usually) Wear Flip-Flops as I Wish | The Big Lead 全世界點閱率目前最高的女優,你知道是誰嗎,答案是這位黎巴嫩出生、美國邁阿密長大的 21 歲的卡莉法 Mia Khalifa。在全世界最大的色情網站 Pornhub 統計之下,這名成人影片事業還起步不久的卡莉法,以身高 158 公分、 34D 的傲人上圍打敗許多知名女優獲得冠軍,Earlier today, Deadspin writer Leslie Horn published a post instructing men to eschew wearing sandals this summer. Though this entry was published to the site’s main page, it was listed on a separate vertical. No, not the culture vertical, The Concourse, ...
