
Kelly's KornerisCar!  BMW 7-Series新世代旗艦的G12 760Li xDrive在2016日內瓦車展首度登場,挾著歷代最大的車體尺碼、引擎排量與動力輸出,加上豪華至極的內裝配備,也重新詮釋7-Series旗艦的定義!一貫擅長再造Bimmer車款使其擁有優雅氣質與強悍性能的Alpina Hollis had her last day of preschool yesterday! She had such a good year. She really came out of her shell and she had several good friends in her class so it was sweet to hear her talk about the other kids. She loved her teacher, Ms. Pam, and she is movi...


kelly raeisCar! 身為「前」地表最強車款Bugatti「Veyron」的頭號勁敵,在「2010年日內瓦車展」橫空出世的超級跑車Koenigsegg「Agera」,如今隨著新一代終極後繼接班人Koenigsegg「Regera」(瑞典語統治之意)的現身,也已確定即將「風光謝幕」,不過為紀念這款將品牌推升至I'm obsessed with Instagram – it's my favorite online home! Here's a recap from the last week, and for those of you who aren't on Instagram, come and join me! And you can click here to see all the Instagram updates right here on my blog!...


Kevin KellyisCar! 有時「馬力」也可以成為新車意外的爆點。2個禮拜前,BMW原廠向外界表示大7性能最強版M760Li xDrive車型將擁有600ps的最大馬力,然而在日內瓦車展上,這款性能大七竟然又額外增加10ps,使最大馬力來到610ps的等級!雖就帳面上來看,10hp看似變化不大,但這610ps的最Current Passions Year 2015 My first try at fiction has finally been published. I’ve been working on The Silver Cord for 11 years! At 464 oversized pages, this huge book was fan-funded, the result of a successful Kickstarter-funded campaign. It is now avai...


Brian Kelly's Blog ●增加30hp馬力 ●0~100km/h加速時間縮短0.3秒 ●增加後輪轉向機制 時間回溯到2011年日內瓦車展,Ferrari發表創廠以來第一部4座、四輪傳動GT跑車:FF(Four Seats、Four-wheel Drive),可乘載4人又是四輪傳動設定,許多人都無法相信這是一部FerrarAlso, before reading this letter I kindly ask that you approach this thoughtfully. If you do not have time to thoughtfully read it now then please come back to it when you have a better moment. The message contained here is intense – nonetheless, with my ...


Tim Tebow joins Chip Kelly's quarterback crew - Philadelphia Eagles Blog - ESPN這個房東講話也太逗趣了!但聽了錄音黨....以後收錢的時候不會尷尬嗎XD ------------------------------- Dcard原文連結在此首po~~~某天早晨睡的正爽的我聽到一陣一陣有頻率的聲音於是... 展開以下對話:   房東還出包哈哈哈   房東也是很This seems to be more about Chip Kelly than about the quarterbacks. There's a challenge in utilizing a player, and Kelly enjoys that challenge. ... NFL Nation TV catches up with Buffalo Bills Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly and his daughter, Erin Kelly...


the Lawn Fawn blog 這篇文章最靠北的應該是小姑吧~ 最好笑的就是下面這兩個回應了 本來就是哥哥跟大嫂的事,小姑根本管不著,你根本是眼紅別人過得幸福快樂吧!哥哥賺的錢哥哥想花在愛人身上天經地義!小姑應該是沒好老公疼在嫉妒吧! -------------------------------靠北老婆原文:我要靠北我大嫂,莫Hello! My name is Kelly Marie Alvarez. I live in Orange County, and I own and operate Lawn Fawn with my sweet hubby, Mike. I love fun and bright design that makes people smile and interacting with crafters all around the world. Thank you so much for visit...
