妻子 小三和妓女 男人最易喜歡誰?
Kevin Durant - Golden State Warriors - 2016 Player Profile - Rotoworld.com 不少男人會調侃說,想要價格實惠營養大餐的話,最佳選擇是老婆;想調劑生活,增加情趣的,小三就更勝一籌;要是說到滿足天生的“食慾”,老婆和小三都追不上妓女。有人就急著問“那如果要你做單選題,你會在三者中選出哪個?”在場的男人你眼看我眼,一臉茫Kevin Durant 2016 player profile, game log, season stats, career stats, recent news If you play fantasy sports, get breaking news and immerse yourself in the ultimate fan experience. ... Career Stats Career FG 3PT FT Rebounds Misc. Year Team G Min M A % M...