Kevin Kelly | Speaker | TED.com - TED: Ideas worth spreading 1. 有人總是有意無意地撞到它們。 “我的天,對不起,我不是故意的。”“哦?沒事!” 2. 這輩子都無法體會趴著睡的舒適感 我只想如雜誌的女孩一般能趴著睡覺,而不是在痛苦中醒來。 3.合適自己又好看的大罩杯文胸很難買 4.尋找一款適合的胸罩幾乎是不可Kevin Kelly has been publisher of the Whole Earth Review, exec editor at WIRED, founder of visionary nonprofits, and writer on biology and business and "cool tools." He's admired for his new perspectives on technology and its relevanc......