Key & Peele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 擁有一個護士女朋友,一直是許多少男年輕時不切實際的夢。但K小編今天就要訪問這位目前就讀聖母醫護管理專科學校的夢中少女,看看她是一個怎麼樣的人吧!(以下粉紅色文字為高佳綺回答) 【圖/高佳綺授權】 1. 姓名:高佳綺 2. 綽號:綺綺 3. 生日:1995/06Key & Peele is an American sketch comedy television show.[4] It stars Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, both former cast members of MADtv.[5] Each episode of the show consists mainly of several pre-taped sketches starring the two actors. The sketches c...