Six Key Trends in Outsourcing - Upload, Share, and Discover Content on SlideShare醫者父母心, 這個救死扶傷的崇高職業,解救着無數身處病痛中的患者。 不過,今天我們要說的這個醫生,顯然不在仁醫之列, 因為他非但沒有做到基本的行醫道德,反而利用自己的職務之便,讓200多名花季少女陷入了無盡的痛苦之中... 他叫Larry NaSix key trends in outsourcingDominic J. Asta ... The outsourcing market is changing as many companies now consider value to be measured less by costs saved, and more heavily based on agility and the quality of service delivery....