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keyboard error 0211 - Microsoft Community●時尚運動外觀 ●完善的主被動安全 ●實用省油的2.0升柴油 ●建議售價 126.9萬元 ●國內上市日期 2015/8 於2014年年底重返國內市場的Kia,在當時便預計規劃Morning與Carens兩款國產車,及Optima與Soul進口車,而這些車款也在今年中陸續推出,唯獨原先計畫中的SUV車Here are a couple of ways to find out if this is a hardware or a software problem: See if the problem persists when using an external keyboard (i.e. a USB keyboard) Check what happens when you use the on-screen keyboard. You invoke it with the command osk...