女性對於「完美體態」的標準可不只是你想的那樣 這 100 年來幾乎有了「猜不透」的大轉變...
Ki Bo-bae - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 「完美」女性在過去 100 年可說是大不相同,如果你現在覺得自己符合了 21 世紀「美」的標準,你可能在 1950 年代立刻被 out,看來我們所謂的力求「完美」事實上是因時代而異的,借由這 100 年來的變化,現代女性或許能了解到一件驚人的事實:看看過去所謂的「完美」,可以發現所謂的完美其實沒有Ki Bo-Bae (Hangul: 기보배; born February 20, 1988 in Anyang, Gyeonggi-do) is a South Korean archer. She took up archery in fourth grade at primary school as archery was offered as a school sport, and she now competes for the South Korean national team. As of...