Inhabitots | Your guide to green parenting, eco baby & green kids台風夜停電…室友甲:ㄟ!停水停電的,好無聊喔!室友乙:對啊!室友甲:咦?電腦不是有game嗎?室友乙:是啊!室友甲:我們來打電動好了室友乙:停電耶..小姐!室友甲:我們可以點蠟燭啊!這樣就不會太暗了!室友乙:☆◎*♂※♀某公司主管在他的部門巡視時,看到一個坐在辦公桌後精疲力盡的員工,他Most kids love any type of art activity -- especially one as tactile and open ended as working with sculpting clay. Not only is it fun to play with, this is an art medium that your children will beg to help you make. They can use the organic sculpting cla...