Inhabitots | Your guide to green parenting, eco baby & green kids 住在上海的年輕姑娘們,休息日總愛去淮海路走走。 從西藏南路路口開始,淮海路的門店就是全世界最齊全的奢侈品展:姑娘們會在口紅店門口停留10分鐘、在擺滿包包的大牌店駐足半小時,然後再繼續邁開高跟鞋一路向西探索...... 但當她們走到Most kids love any type of art activity -- especially one as tactile and open ended as working with sculpting clay. Not only is it fun to play with, this is an art medium that your children will beg to help you make. They can use the organic sculpting cla...