Kies | Samsung tw - Electronics & Appliances: Tablets, Smartphones, TVs | Samsung US (翻攝自雞排妹臉書,下同) 雞排妹被爆下海!媒體報導,有網友在LINE瘋傳雞排妹下海消息,還附上她的性感照片截圖宣傳。本人聞言後說:「那是假的,我出道三年一直都聽過這傳言,也有朋友轉達,我都回說,我願意幫買方出一半錢,把對方約出來看看到底是誰?」 稍早她也在臉書PO文秀圖,「欸你們誰有會員,去約約Samsung Kies connects your mobile phone to your PC, making it easier for you to synchronize data between devices and find new apps ... Kies 作業系統 Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8** 處理器 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz 或以上 内存(RAM) 1 ......