kinks 菜單

The Kinks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 幾個小時前,Supreme 通過其Instagram 宣布原計劃將於今天在紐約門店開售的其與NIKE 聯名打造的Air Foamposite 1 將取消售賣,究其原因則是因為粉絲們太過熱情,早早就在門外排起長龍等候,使得紐約警方不得不下令要求Supreme 方面取消今天的售賣活動,以免造成公共安全The Kinks were an English rock band formed in Muswell Hill, North London, by brothers Dave Davies and Ray Davies with Pete Quaife in 1963. The band, which rose to fame during the mid-1960s and were part of the British Invasion of the US, are recognised as...


Kinks (album) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia UNIQLO旗下品線「UT」系列,就在第11周年紀念之際,邀請到日本流行文化前輩NIGO先生出任創意總監一職!並從今年春夏季開始,會提供「UT」系列的設計想法,包括男、女、童服飾所有系列,這次 JUKSY 也特別與 NIGO跨海連線,請NIGO 說明了本季UT的概念... 觀賞全文 【本文出處,更Kinks is the self-titled debut album by English rock band The Kinks, released in 1964. It was released with three tracks omitted as You Really Got Me in the US. The album was re-released in 1998 in the UK on Castle Records with twelve bonus tracks. This r...


Official Kinks Fan Club 剛卸下Louis Vuitton創意總監職位的Marc Jacobs,馬上投入同名品牌副牌Marc by Marc Jacobs下一季的廣告宣傳中。向來以搞怪著稱的Marc by Marc Jacobs,這次用了最夯的社群網路來為廣告尋找新面孔,只要在Twitter或Instagram上搜尋#caThe current Fan Club team have been active now for some 19 years and it may surprise some fans that the club has direct links to the original fan club formed in March 1964. The Kinks’ initial success came before the days of global marketing and merchandis...


遊記 台南。奇妙的“老房子”懷舊KINKS PUB | Doris旅行日記 BAPE STORE 香港店,今年為開設的第八個年頭,熱愛操作週年限定商品的BAPE,當然不能錯過這個機會,推出的香港店八週年紀念商品,以香港店的迷彩為設計,從鯊魚連帽外套到有香港大佛的可愛設計,都代表當地的特色。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲Doris旅行日記, 我要環遊世界 我要吃遍美食 因為C'est la vie ... 我要環遊世界 我要吃遍美食 因為C'est la vie 這裡記錄了我的生活點滴,分享我看到的美好事物,不是旅遊工具書,也不是美食專家,純粹是我的旅行日記。...


【台南】KINKS 25 老房子新意象 @ 攝影‧旅行‧拈花惹草→Morris :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 英國版VOGUE和Harper’s Bazaar兩本高端時尚雜誌,這個月將被高街品牌洗版,全是拜同一人所賜。英國名模凱特摩絲(Kate Moss)與英國品牌Topshop合作,再度推出聯名系列服裝,而早已是時尚雜誌常客的她,將穿著自己設計的服裝系列登上雜誌封面。具本人表示,即將在本月底推出的系列,老房子總是有著特別的魅力吸引著人,此次Morris在朋友的帶領之下,來到了位於台南市青年路鐵道旁的Kinks 25老房子,從外觀看來,這只是間60年歷史的老房子,實際上這是間 ......


Chic With Kinks | Simplicity Is The Ultimate Sophistication 一波波新品持續從潮鋪 Pool aoyama亮相,這回輪到極限運動品牌 Oakley的經典商品、Frogskin 太陽眼鏡,也以不同的姿態與大家見面,全黑的設計外型搭配不同的材質考量打造而成,並加入特別的LOGO設定,同樣於Pool aoyama限定販售。【本文出處,更多精采內Simplicity Is The Ultimate Sophistication (by Paige-Ellean) ... Post navigation ← Older posts Black Operatic Singers – Destroying Black Stereotypes Posted on January 23, 2015 by Paige-Ellean 1 There is a common misconception that black people cannot do .....
