Activating KIS 2016 with KIS 2013 key - Kaspersky Lab Forum 我媽媽把你當自己人! 「學姐!你知道嗎?我男友的媽媽今天好過分,居然叫我順便把地拖一拖,她們一家子就坐在客廳看電視,怎麼不叫她女兒起來拖地。」 一個浪漫可愛的小學妹,打電話來抱怨。「那你拖了嗎?」「我洗了碗之後,就說我有事要先離開」 她說。「很好的退場機制」我說。「可是讓我更生Welcome @Bima Sukmana ... The rule that it's been handle in this forum is that--We can use a valid code to Activate KAV-KIS-KTS-Products one year back and 2-yrs ahead. if a user has a (KIS-2015 license it can activate a 2014-KIS and 2-yrs ahead 2016-2017)...