金氏紀錄整形最多 57歲女子要一路整到掛
Singin' in the Rain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia現年 56 歲的美國俄亥俄州女子辛蒂傑克森 (Cindy Jackson) 被鉗子夾、塞入、切開的次數,恐怕比地球上的任何人都多。她已經與 25 年前那個初次進行整形手術的面容,完全不一樣了。她無法令人置信的變化,從一個平凡無味的女子到性感使人暈倒的女性。辛蒂迄今已整形52次,讓她贏得金氏世界紀錄「Singin' in the Rain is a 1952 American musical comedy film directed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen, starring Kelly, Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds, and choreographed by Kelly and Donen. It offers a lighthearted depiction of Hollywood in the late '20...