Kit Harington Online | KitHarington.com | Your original Kit Harington Resource! 真的魚與熊掌不可兼得! ------------------------------------ #靠北老婆5310 老婆靠北說她是假性單親媽媽 覺得有老公跟沒老公一樣 因為我上班連加班一天十二個小時在公司 三不五時出差一兩個禮拜 老婆抱怨我都沒辦法陪她 於是我靠北回去The first Kit Harington fansite online bringing you all the latest news, photos and more. ... Kit Harington is best known for playing the broody bastard Jon Snow on HBO’s hit drama fantasy series “Game of Thrones.” But rather than play moody action heroes...