Kite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia TEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路 交往有三個階段,熱戀、冷淡與穩定期,當感情激情過後,再熱烈的火花也會降溫,當來到冷淡期許多男生開始想獨處,空間、疏遠或是直接的冷淡,這是一個許多男人都會遇到的問題—洞穴期。對於這段感情他們確實淡了,卻不知道自己為什麼想要這樣,不過他們不A kite is a tethered object with an aerodynamic surface that creates lift in order to overcome gravity and fly. Kites have a long and varied history and there are many types of kites that are flown individually and at festivals world wide. The necessary l...