Kmax - KOMATSU EUROPE 【男人十條底線女人千萬碰不得】 1. 刪除他電腦裡的遊戲 2. 在他錢包和手機設置你的照片 3. 丟掉他的A片 4. 模擬電影中的經典劇情 5. 禁止他抽煙或喝酒 6. 謊報你發生了意外 7. 放棄他的“兄弟會&rd5 Kmax Tooth System Kmax is stronger With Kmax, the tooth is fully stabi-lized on the adapter nose. More-over, the system features a full metal lock and smooth surface transitions. This means the adapter nose can be slimmer than in tradi-tional systems wh...