Marian Shrine | Knock Shrine | Ireland’s National Marian Shrine | Shrine Mayo母女二人去游泳池游泳,女兒跳水時,泳衣不慎破裂。母親趕忙拿起泳池邊的標語牌給女兒遮擋,其他人看了標語牌後不禁大笑起來。原來牌上寫著:危險,深兩米,熟練者使用。母親趕快把標語牌調了。這回,人們更是大笑不止,原來背面是:男性專用,進前請脫衣。尷尬的母親又拿了另一塊標語給女兒,誰知卻是寫著:大人30元,小The history, from the 1879 Apparition onwards, of this major pilgrimage destination, is given, along with details of facilities, the Basilica, Knock Folk Museum and a local hotel and caravan park. There is a listing of scheduled pilgrimages and a news pag...