名人穿啥|隱藏鞋頭不止一位!名人最愛穿搭球鞋你也買得起,小樂吳思賢的 Converse 最帥穿搭提案
Knock on wood - meaning and origin. - The meanings and origins of Phrases, Sayings and Proverbs 看過之前的報導後,相信各位一定知道「名人穿啥」總是帶來精彩的球鞋、服飾單品,而這番我們將分享一位較少在其中露臉的「小樂 吳思賢」私下下穿搭的一面! 有在 follow 他的人多少都知道他對於的 Converse 喜愛程度,出席活動或者私人行程時都選用不同配色的Converse 來搭配,而比起許多限Knock on wood - the meaning and origin of this saying. ... Meaning This phrase is used by people who rap their knuckles on a piece of wood hoping to stave off bad luck. In the UK, the phrase 'touch wood' is used - often jokingly by tapping one's head....