knock you up

knock - definition of knock by The Free Dictionary兒子表示:不要問,很恐怖 . . . .knock (nŏk) v. knocked, knock·ing, knocks 1. To strike with a hard blow: knocked him on the head. 2. To affect in a specified way by striking hard: knocked the mugger senseless. 3. To cause to be displaced or unengaged; force: a wind that knocked th...


Knock-knock, motherfucker. Giant metal chickens revisited. | The Bloggess原來如此!重點是人啊!!I find this astonishing. Really. You don’t say so, but it seems to me that you are probably responsible for the significant uptick in requests for giant metal chickens. This kind of power comes with great responsibility. I know you won’t disappoint. One C...
